The Team


  • a) Thermophysical Properties Group 


Dr Konstantinos Antoniadis (Chief Researcher)
- Thermal Conductivity of Solids & Fluids                                                   




Ms Danai Velliadou (PhD Candidate) 
- Thermal Conductivity of Solids (THW technique)




Ms Eleftheria Ntonti 
- Thermal Conductivity of Liquids (THW Technique)




Ms Sofia Sotitriadou 
- Viscosity Reference Correlations




Ms Stella Monogenidou 
- Reference Correlations of Fluids




  • b) Environmental Processes & Design Group 


Dr Arsenis Chatzimichailidis (Researcher)
- Transport Flow in Street Canyons                                                   



  • c) Educational Software Development 


Mr Theofanis Theocharis
- Effects from Explosions                                    



    • Just finished

      - 152. Marko Mebeli (Reference Correlations for the Thermal Conductivity and Viscosity of Ethane-1-2-diol)
      - 151. Dimitra-Irene Skopou (Industrial Accidents on Railway Transport)
      - 150. Katerina Tasidou (Reference Correlations for the Viscosity Molten Salts and Some Mixtures)
      - 149. Alexandra Tirou (Thermal Conductivity of Solids & Liquids- GHF)
      - 148. Christos Pavlakis (Themal Conductivity of Thin Films)
      - 147. Liza Braimioti (Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids)
      - 146. Chrysi Tsolakidou (Viscosity of Selected Fluids and NanoFluids)
      - 145. Chryssa Chliatzou (Reference Correlations for he Thermal Conductivity of 13 Ionorganic Molten Salts)
      - 144. Filothei Kaplani (Pipeline Transport of Hazardous Materials)
      - 143. Pavlos Nikoltsos (Industrial accidents during the road transport of dangerous goods)
      - 142. Themis Vargiemezis (Simulation of Vapor Cloud Explosions)
      - 141. Leandros Paschalidis (Development of a Software for the Calculation of the Effects from Fires and Toxic Gas Dispersion)
      - 140. Grigoris Antoniadis (Guarded Heat-Flow instrument for the Measurement of Thermal Conductivity)
      - 139. Tasos Koutian (Reference correlations for the Thermal Conductivity of Ethene, Propene and Cyclohexane)
      - 138. Stavros Katsandris (Design/Simulation of partially immersed motorboat engines)
      - 137. Christina-Maria Vasileiou (Reference Correlations for the Thermal Conductivity of Cyclo-, Iso- and n-Pentane)
      - 136. Stella Avgeri (Reference Correlations for the Viscosity of Benzene and Toluene)
      - 135. Evita Sikioti (Reference Correlations for the Thermal Conductivity of Methanol and Ethanol)
      - 134. Maria Farmaki (Low-Energy Buildings Design)
      - 133. Katerina Giannakou (Thermal Conductivity New Sensor Design)
      - 132. Ivi Armyra (Reference Correlations for the Density and Viscosity of Liquid Metals - CdCoGaHgInSiTlZn)
      - 131. Tereza Alekou  (Novel Sensor for the Measurement of the PM10 Concentrations in the Atmosphere)
      - 130. Nikos Hatjiliasis (Novel Sensor for the Measurement of the PM10 Concentrations in the Atmosphere)
      - 129. Christine Tsiglifisi (A More Efficient Design of the Hollow Brick)
      - 124. Agni Kalyva (Reference Correlations for the Density and Viscosity of Liquid Metals - CuSnBiNiPbAsSb)
      - 123. Iris Koini (Reference Correlation for the Thermal Conductivity of SF6)
      - 125. Arsenis Hatzimihaelidis (Modelling PM10 dispersion in the City of Thessaloniki)
      - 122. Vassilis Haralambidis (Thermal Condutivity of Paints)·
      - 121. Efi Mihailidou (Creation of a database for Industrial Accidents)

  • External Researcher


Prof. Konstantinos E. Kakosimos
(Associate Professor Texas A&M University, Qatar)
- 3D Simulation of Gas Dispersion
- City Pollution (Airborne Particles Concentration: Measurement & Prediction)
- Environmental Simulations



Dr Sofia Mylona (DB Inventions)
- Measurement of Thermophysical Properties of Fluids & Solids 

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