2024 Boulder

  22nd IATP Meeting, June 23rd 2024 




             The meeting was opened by the Chairman, Prof. Sir William Wakeham, who welcomed all present and thanked Dr Richard Perkins and Dr Aaron Rowane, as the local organisers of the meeting, for the excellent arrangements.

The meeting was divided into the usual scientific session and business session. The proceedings are recorded here in that order.




2.1   Measurements of the Viscosity of Gas Mixtures Containing Hydrogen with a Modified Vibrating-Wire Viscometer
Ruben Harten, Karsten Meier (Germany)

2.2    Shadowgraph Method for the Determination of Diffusion Coefficients and Further Transport Properties
Patrick Schmidt, Wenchang Wu, Michael H. Rausch, Andreas P. Fröba (Germany)

2.3  Progress in Residual Entropy Scaling: Viscosity Predictions for Asymmetric Mixtures
Iusiph Eiubovi, J. P. Martin Trusler (UK)

2.4     Challenges in the Thermal Management of Electronic Devices
Carlos A. Nieto de Castro, Maria José V. Lourenço, Vânia Silvério (Portugal)

2.5  Evaluating Cubic Equations of State for Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity Calculation Based on the Residual Entropy Scaling Approach
Xiaoxian Yang, Markus Richter (Germany)

2.6   Low Temperature Thermal Energy Storage: Insights into Odd-Even n-Alkane Systems
Maria Carolina M. Sequeira, Bernardo A. Nogueira, Timur Nikitin, Fernando J.P. Caetano, Herminio P. Diogo, Joao M.N.A. Fareleira, Rui Fausto (Portugal)

2.7     Difficulties in Measuring the Thermal Conductivity of Molten Salts
Troy Munro, Jacob Numbers, Ryan Ruth, Peter Kasper, Brian Merritt (USA)

2.8   Quick Overview of the Applied Chemicals and Materials Division, NIST- Boulder
arcia L. Huber (USA)

2.9    Recommendation for the Definitions and Preferred Symbols for the Mass Diffusion Coefficients in Non-Electrolyte and Electrolyte Systems
Tobias Klein, Chathura J. Kankanamge, Thomas M. Koller, Michael H. Rausch, Anderas P. Fröba (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg), Marc J. Assael (Aristotle University, Thessaloniki), William A. Wakeham (Imperial College London). Gabriela Guevara-Carrion, Jadran Vrabec (Technische Universität Berlin)

2.10   NIST/TRC Public Data Domain and New Tools to Access the Data
Vladimir Diky (USA)

2.11   A New Method of Measuring the Thermal Diffusivity of Solids.
William A. Wakeham (U.K.), Peter S. Gall, Zachary D. Withrow, Daniela S. Gaal (USA)

2.12   Investigation on Alkanes at Technische Thermodynamik Bremen
Bernd Rathke (Germany)

2.13  The Impact of Polymeric Architecture on High Pressure Viscosity and Resulting Correlative Parameters of a Lubricant Base Oil
Katrina Avery, Erdogan Kiran, Mark Devlin (USA)

2.14 Measurements of Intra-Diffusion Coefficients for Gaseous Binary Mixtures 
Sam Kobeissi, Eric May, Nicholas Ling, Michael Johns (Australia)


 Each presentation engendered discussion and a few points of special interest are noted here:


 a)  Measurements & Instruments:

-    Ruben Harten described a modified VBW instrument for the measurement of the density and viscosity (273-498 K, and up to 30 MPa) of gas mixtures containing hydrogen in a range 273 to 498 K and up to 30 MPa pressure.

-   Patrick Schmidt described the instrument and the theory of the shadowgraph method for the measurement of coefficients D11, a, and DT.

-   Maria Carolina M. Sequeira described that to obtain accurate binary phase diagrams for systems like C10H22+C12H26 and C9H20+C11H24, she employed a) DSC results, b) Hot Stage Microscopy to identify the phase transitions, and c) Raman spectroscopy to identify the different phases in mixtures.

-    Large disagreements in the thermal conductivity of LiF-NaF-KF were shown by Troy Munro. Consequently, his team developed a transient needle probe to measure the thermal conductivity of such salts, but they still have some issues. He also described a THW prototype in diamond wafer still with many problems to be solved.

-   A new method for the measurement of the thermal diffusivity of solids was presented by William A. Wakeham. The new method is transient and uses a mild heat input from an LED light source to drive a temperature change. The theory takes into account the heat losses from all the surfaces of the sample and fits the experimental data very well. Values of the thermal diffusivity of Pyroceram were also presented

-   Bernd Rathke presented phase diagrams of n-alkanes-acetonitrile and models. Results for n-C16H34+iso-C16H34 – ethanol phase diagrams were also presented.

-   An Instrument to measure the density and viscosity of oils employed in car engines. Results for Ultra S4, up to 35 MPa, and the effects of adding small amounts of polymers, were presented by Katrina Avery.

-    Finally, measurements of intradiffusion coefficients for CH4, CH4+H2, CH4+He, CH4+N2 mixtures were presented by Sam Kobeissi.




b)   Theoretical:


-    Iusiph Eiubovi presented a model of residual entropy based on the proposition by I. Bell, and showed that a universal approach with two parameters, work well for mixtures.

-   The application of the residual entropy approach to correlate the viscosity and thermal conductivity of 150 fluids, was presented by Xiaoxian Yang.




c)    Reference values/Correlations:




d)    Other:


-     Carlos A. Nieto de Castro discussed cooling problems in chips of mobile phones, and proposed employing liquids to cool the processor in the phone.

-      An interesting overview of the Applied Chemicals and Materials Division of NIST in Boulder, was given by Marcia L. Huber.

-     A very detailed recommendation for the definitions and preferred symbols for the mass diffusion coefficients in non-electrolyte and electrolyte systems, was presented by Tobias Klein.


-     Vladimir Diky presented the updated NIST/TRC public data domain, and the new tools available to access the data. The ThermoData Engine free public version can be found in https://data.nist.gov/od/id/mds2-3179.








1.  Recommendation for the Definitions and Preferred Symbols for the Mass Diffusion Coefficients in Non-Electrolyte and Electrolyte Systems
Tobias Klein, Chathura J. Kankanamge, Thomas M. Koller, Michael H. Rausch, Anderas P. Fröba (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg), Marc J. Assael (Aristotle University, Thessaloniki), William A. Wakeham (Imperial College London). Gabriela Guevara-Carrion, Jadran Vrabec (Technische Universität Berlin)
Following the detailed presentation by Tobias Klein (2.9), and a consequent discussion, it was decided that the project is concluded and it should be submitted for review to IUPAC.  





The following projects were discussed and it was agreed to continue them:



2. Reference correlations for the viscosity and thermal conductivity of fluids over extended temperature and pressure ranges.
M.J. Assael (Greece), M.L. Huber, R.A. Perkins (USA), F. Caetano, J.M.N.A. Fareleira (Portugal)
Project continues.


3.   High-temperature high-pressure viscosity standards
J.M.N.A. Fareleira, F. Caetano (Portugal), W.A. Wakeham, J.P.M. Trusler (UK), A.P. Fröba, A. Lei¬pertz, B. Rathke (Germany), K. Harris (Australia), J. Fernandez (Spain), K. Schmidt (Canada), Chr. Boned (France)
Project continues. F. Caetano will prepare a paper summarizing all that has been done.


4.   Thermal conductivity and enthalpy of fusion of n-alkanes as practical PCM
L. Fedele (Leader), S. Bobbo (Italy), M.J. Assael (Greece), W.A. Wakeham (U.K.), M.L. Huber, R. Perkins (USA), A.P. Fröba, T.M. Koller, K. Meier, B. Rathke, S.E. Quiñones-Cisneros (Germany), J.M.N.A. Fareleira, F.J.P. Caetano (Portugal), J. Fernandez (Spain), E. May (Australia), V. Shevtsova (Belgium), V. Diky (USA)
Project continues (V. Diky was added)


5.  Further understanding of the operation of the torsional crystal viscometer
C.A. Nieto de Castor (Portugal), F.J.V. Santos (Portugal), W.A. Wakeham (UK)
Project continues.


6.  Special Issue of the International Journal of Thermophysics titled “Transport Property Measurements in Research and Industry: Recommended Techniques and Instrumentation”
W.A. Wakeham (UK), M.J. Assael (Greece).
W.A. Wakeham and M.J. Assael as Guest Editors have invited about 20 authors (most present in the meeting) to contribute. Deadline for submission is the end of December 2024.
13 submitted (10 published, 1 accepted), 5 to be submitted


7.  Transport of Hydrogen in Solids and Liquids
J.M.P. Trusler (UK), T.M. Koller, M.H. Rausch, A.P. Fröba, B. Rathke (Germany), F. Caetano, J.M.N.A. Fareleira (Portugal).
Project continues.


8.   Apparent Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids
J. Fernandez (Leader, Spain) L. Fedele (Italy), C.A. Nieto de Castro (Portugal), A.P. Fröba, M. Buchmann (Germany), M.J. Assael (Greece)
Project continues (M. Buchmann was added)





9.  Towards a definition of “ideal-solution” for transport properties.
C.A. Nieto de Castro (Portugal), Gabriela Guevara Carrion (Germany), +…. (Open for further participation)

  10.  On diffusion...
         Andreas P. Fröba? (Germany)

  11.  On entropy scaling?
         V. Diky (USA) expressed an interest to participate.






Members were reminded that if they wish to have the endorsement of IATP for their work they should submit it to the Secretary in the first instance to arrange a rapid review. Referees who have agreed to participate in the review process in addition to the Executive Member are A.P. Fröba, J.M. Trusler, M.L. Huber and E. May.






Prof. M.J. Assael reminded everyone that all information about IATP activities, as well as the current list of members, can always be found at

https://ltpep.com/   -> I.A.T.P.

It was also decided that members who had not attended for some time, and where there was evidence that they would probably not have a continuing connection, would be removed form the list.



-     Professor Jan V. Sengers informed IATP of his decision to retire from the position of Executive Member of IATP.

-   Professor Akira Nagashima informed IATP of his decision to retire as an Executive Member and to continue as a Member of IATP.


     The contribution of both Members from the beginning of IATP (and STP), was gratefully acknowledged.


b)    The following new members were approved as Executive Members:

       -Dr Tara Fortin (U.S.A.)
       -Prof J.P. Martin Trusler (U.K.) 


c)     The following were approved as Members:

       -Dr Vladimir Diky (U.S.A)

       -Dr Daniel Friend (U.S.A.)

       -Dr Tobias Klein (Germany)

       -Dr Aaron Rowane (U.S.A.)

       -Dr Xiaoxian Yang (Germany)







5.1. 23rd IATP Meeting, 2025

The 23rd IATP Meeting will take place on Saturday July 5th, 2025, in Bremen, Germany, hosted by B. Rathke. Details will be announced in due course.



5.2. 24th IATP Meeting, 2026

The 24th IATP Meeting will take place on Sunday, June 21st, 2026, in the Campus Serge Kampf Les Fontaines, 40 km outside Paris prior to the ECTP 2026. Details will be announced in due course.





List of people that attended the meeting:


1.  Professor Sir William A. Wakeham (Chairman)

2.  Professor Marc J. Assael (Secretary)

3.  Dr Tara Fortin

4.  Professor Andreas P. Fröba

5.  Professor Carlos Nieto de Castro

6.  Professor Jan V. Sengers

7.  Professor J.P. Martin Trusler


8.  Professor Matthias H. Buschmann

9.  Dr Vladimir Diky

10.  Dr Daniel G. Friend

11.  Dr Gabriela Guevara-Carrion

12.  Dr Robert Hellmann

13.  Dr Marcia A. Huber

14.  Dr Tobias Klein

15.  Dr Thomas Manfred Koller

16.  Professor Maria José V. Lourenço

17.  Professor Eric May

18.  Dr Richard A. Perkins

19.  Dr Bernd Rathke

20.  Dr Aaron Rowane

21.  Dr Michael H. Rausch

22.  Professor Markus Richter

23.  Ms Maria Carolina Sequeira


24.  Mr Rafael Marcal Almeida

25.  Dr Katrina Avery

26.  Dr Ala Bazyleva

27.  Mr Francisco Bioucas

28.  Mrs Lena Braun

29.  Mr Iusiph Eiubovi

30.  Mr Ruben Harten

31.  Mr Julius Jander

32.  Mr Chathura Jayan Kamkanamge

33.  Mr Manuel Kerscher

34.  Mr Sam Kobeissi

35.  Professor Werner Köhler

36.  Mr Riley V. Latcham

37.  Dr Frances Lenahan

38.  Dr Philipp Marienhagen

39.  Dr Troy Munro

40.  Ms Eleftheria Ntonti

41.  Mr Patrick Schmidt

42.  Ms Sofia Sotiriadou

43.  Mr David Uko

44.  Dr Fufang Yang

45.  Mr Wenchang Wu

46.  Mrs Ziwen Zhai





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