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4.1. Assael M.J., Nieto de Castro C.A., Roder H.M. and Wakeham W.A., Chapter 7, "Transient Methods for Thermal Conductivity", in "Experimental Thermodynamics. Vol. III. Measurement of the Transport Properties of Fluids", Eds. Nagashima A., Sengers G.V. and Wakeham W.A., Blackwell Scientific Publications, p.161 - 195 (1991). This volume is the third of a series of books coordinated and edited by the IUPAC Commission on Thermodynamics. The text describes the current state of development of the techniques for measurement of the transport properties of fluids and their mixtures including viscosity, thermal conductivity, diffusion coefficients, thermal diffusion factors and thermal transpiration coefficients. The volume contains a valuable summary of a variety of techniques applicable over a wide range of thermodynamic states. The emphasis throughout is on the precision and accuracy of the result obtained. - Published/Distributed: 1991, Blackwell Scientific Publications - Hardcover: ISBN 0-632-02997-8, price US$ 142. |
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4.2. Dymond J.H. and Assael M.J., Chapter 5.6, "Fluid Mixtures at High Densities - Liquid Phase" 4.3. Dymond J.H. and Assael M.J., Chapter 10, "Modified Hard-Spheres Scheme", and in "Transport Properties of Fluids. Their Correlation, Prediction and Estimation", Eds. Dymond J.H, Millat J. and Nieto de Castro C.A., Cambridge University Press, p. 266 - 294 (1996). This book describes the most reliable methods available for evaluating the viscosity, thermal conductivity and diffusion, of pure gases and fluid mixtures. Particular emphasis is placed on recent theoretical advances in all the different regions of temperature and pressure. Following a general introductory section, the important theoretical tools for describing complete transport property surfaces of fluids are presented. Different methods of data representation are then covered, followed by a section which demonstrates the application of selected methods under various specific conditions. Case studies of transport property data analysis for real fluids are then given for systems with increasing complexity, and the book concludes with a discussion of various international data banks and prediction packages. - Published/Distributed: 1996, Cambridge University Press - Hardcover: ISBN 0-521-46178-2, price US$ 100. |
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4.4. Assael M.J. and Wakeham W.A., Chapter 33, "Thermal Conductivity" in "The Measurement, Instrumentation and Sensors Hanbook", Ed. Webster J.G., CRC Press, p. 33.1-3.11 (1999). The Handbook describes the use of instruments and techniques for practical measurements required in engineering, physics, chemistry, and the life sciences.The book examines a) Sensors, b) Hardware, c) Software, d) Techniques, e) Information processing systems, f) Automatic data acquisition. It is organized according to the measurement problem, each section addresses the different ways of making a measurement for a given variable. Chapters present three levels: Basic information, Detailed text and mathematical treatment, and Advanced applications of the subject. Edited by one of the more noted instrumentation experts in the world, the book contains nearly 150 contributions, covering all aspects on the design and implementation of various instrumentation. - Published/Distributed: 1999, CRC & IEEE Press - Hardcover: ISBN 0-8493-8347-1, price US$ 100. |
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4.5. Assael M.J. and Wakeham W.A., Chapter 14, "Thermal Conductivity Measurement" in "Mechanical Variables Measurement: Solid, Fluid, and Thermal", Ed. Webster J.G., CRC Press, 14.1-11.11 (2000). The Handbook describes the use of instruments and methods for practical measurements required in engineering, physics, chemistry, and the life sciences. Organized according to the measurement problem, the entries are easy to access. The articles provide the information and equations engineers and scientists need to discover applications and solve problems that arise in areas outside their speciality. Each section also includes references to more specialized publications for advanced techniques. It offers instruction for a range of measuring techniques - basic through advanced - that apply to a broad base of disciplines. - Published/Distributed: 2000, CRC Press LLC - Hardcover: ISBN 0-8493-0047-9, price US$ 80. |
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4.6. Assael M.J., "The Importance of Thermophysical Properties in Optimum Design and Energy Saving" in "Energy and Environment: Technological Chalenges for the Future", Eds. Mori Y.H., Ohnishi K., Springer-Verlag, 162-181 (2000). It is becoming evident that satisfying the ever-increasing global demand for energy is having a major impact on the environment. The technologies required to minimize such impacts are discussed here in an in-depth overview and review of a broad spectrum of energy and environmental issues. The first five sections of the book deal directly with scientific and technological topics: the production, transportation, and utilization of electric power; thermal science and engineering for energy conservation/utilization processes; gas hydrates; multiphase mechanics for energy and environmental technology; pollutants and radioactive wastes in the earth. The sixth section, unique in a book of this type, focuses on education, recording a panel discussion on solutions to problems of energy and environment. For specialists and nonspecialists alike, the book is thus a valuable guide to the technological challenges for the future. - Published/Distributed: 2000, Springer-Verlag - Hardcover: ISBN 4-431-70293-8, price US$ 144. |
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4.7. Assael M.J. and Wakeham W.A., "Transport Properties and Industry" in "Chemical Thermodynamics and Industry", Eds. Letcher T.M., Springer-Verlag, 122-132 (2004). Chemical Thermodynamics for Industry presents the latest developments in applied thermodynamics and highlights the role of thermodynamics in the chemical industry. Written by leading experts in the field, the book covers the latest developments in traditional areas such as calorimetry, microcalorimetry, transport properties, crystallization, adsorption, electrolyte systems and transport fuels. It highlights newly established areas such as multiphase modelling, reactive distillation, non-equilibrium thermodynamics and spectro-calorimetry. It also explores new ways of treating old technologies as well as new and potentially important areas such as ionic liquids, new materials, ab-initia quantum chemistry, nano-particles, polymer recycling, clathrates and the economic value of applied thermodynamics. This book is aimed not only at those working in a specific area of chemical thermodynamics but also at the general chemist, the prospective researcher and those involved in funding chemical research. - Published/Distributed: 2004, Springer-Verlag/Royal Society of Chemistry - Hardcover: ISBN 0-854-04591-0, price US$ 249. |
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Dalaouti N.K., Assael M.J., Kagawa N., Yokoyama C.: 4.8. "Chapters 6. Saturated Liquid Viscosity", p. 64 - 71 4.9. "Chapters 7. Saturated Liquid Thermal Conductivity", p. 71 - 76 4.10. "Chapters 6. Saturated Vapor Viscosity", p. 76 - 81 4.11. "Chapters 7. Saturated Vapor Thermal Conductivity", p. 81 -86 in "HFCs and HCFCs. Version 2.0.2004", Eds. Kagawa N., Higashi Y., Okada M., Kayakawa Y., JSRAE (2004). The volume presents the best available correlations for the enthalpy of vaporisation, vapor pressure, saturation density, surface tension, solubility with oils, ODP and GWP, saturated liquid viscosity, sathurated liquid thermal conductivity, saturated vapor viscosity and saturated vapor thermal conductivity. Critical parameters and important EoS are also presented for most common HFCs and HCFCs. This book is primarily intended for those working with refrigerant fluids. - Published/Distributed: Japan Society of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (JSRAE) - Softcover: ISBN 4-88967-082-3 C3053, price 8381 Yen. |
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Assael M.J. and Wakeham W.A.: 4.12. "Chapter B3.1. Density", p. 85 - 96. 4.13. "Chapter B3.4. Viscosity", p. 119 - 132. 4.14. "Chapter B3.5. Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Diffusivity", p. 133 - 147. 4.15. "Chapter B3.6. Diffusion", p. 147 - 158. in "Handbook of Experimental Fluid Mechanics", Eds.Tropea C., Yaril A.L., Foss J.F., Springer (2007) This Handbook consolidates authoritative and state-of-the-art information from the large number of disciplines used in experimental fluid mechanics into a readable desk reference book. It comprises four parts covering Experiments in Fluid Mechanics, Measurement of Primary Quantities, Specific Experimental Environments and Techniques, and Analyses and Post-Processing of Data. The Springer Handbook of Experimental Fluid Mechanics has been prepared for physicists and engineers in research and development in universities, industry and in governmental research institutions or national laboratories. Both experimental methodology and techniques are covered fundamentally and for a wide range of application fields. A generous use of citations directs the reader to additional material on each subject. - Published/Distributed: 2007, Springer - Hardcover: ISBN-13:978-0387764948, price US$ 249. |
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Abdulagatov I.M. and Assael M.J.: 4.16. “Chapter V. Thermal Conductivity”, p. 227-248. 4.17. “Chapter VI. Viscosity” , p. 249-270. in "Hydrothermal Properties of Materials. Experimental Data on Aqueous Phase Equilibria and Solution Properties at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures", Ed. Valyashko V.M. Wiley, London UK (2008) Hydrothermal Experimental Data: Phase Equilibria and Solution Properties in Binary and Ternary Systems Above 200 C is designed for any scientists and engineer who deals with hydrothermal investigations and technologies. The book is organized into eight chapters, each dealing with a key physical property of behavior of solutions, so that a reader can obtain information on: hydrothermal experimental methods; available experimental data and the main features of properties behavior in a wide range of temperatures and pressures; and possible ways of experimental data processing for obtaining the derivative properties. - Published/Distributed: 2008, John Willey Ltd. - Hardcover: ISBN-13: 978-0470094655, price € 202. |
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Kagawa N., and Assael M.J.: 4.18. “Chapter 5.1. Saturated Liquid & Vapor Viscosity” 4.19. “Chapter 5.2. Saturated Liquid & Vapor Thermal Conductivity” in "JSRAE Thermodynamic Tables Vol. 2, R410A", Eds. Kagawa N., Higashi Y., Okada M., Kayukawa Y., JSRAE, Tokyo (2008) - Published/Distributed: 2008, JSRAE -Japan Society of Refrigeration and Aircondition Engineers. - Hardcover: ISBN ?, price € -. |
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4.20. Assael M.J. and Wakeham W.A., “Chapter 6. Stefan’s Measurement of the Thermal Conductivity of Gases” in "The Scientific Legacy of Josef Stefan. 175th Anniversary of his birth." Ed. Crepeau J., Benham Science Publishing (2013) This is an ebook about Josef Stefan, the original discoverer of the radiation law, made numerous contributions to many areas of science, but not much is known about his personal life, or much outside of his radiation law work. 1. From Rags to Research: The Life and Influence of Jozef Stefan (J.C. Crepeau), 2. Jozef Stefan as Poet and Writer (J. Strnad), 3. Ludwig Boltzmann and Jozef Stefan (W.L. Reiter), 4. The Stefan-Loschmidt Collaboration in Vienna (J.C. Crepeau), 5. Stefan’s Teaching and his Influence on Sigmund Freud (J.C. Crepeau), 6. Stefan’s Measurement of the Thermal Conductivity of Gases (W.A. Wakeham and M.J. Assael), 7. Jozef Stefan and the Diffusion Phenomena (J. Mitrovic), 8. Stefan’s Analysis of Radiative Transfer (W. Lipinski), 9. Phase Change Analysis and Jozef Stefan (K. Vuik). - Published/Distributed: ebook - Benham Science Publishing (2013). DOI: 10.2174/97816080547701130101, ISBN: 978-1-60805-608-8 |
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4.21. Assael M.J. and Wakeham W.A., Chapter 33, "Thermal Conductivity Measurement" in "The Measurement, Instrumentation and Sensors Hanbook", (2nd Edition, revised), Ed. Webster J.G., CRC & IEEE Press (2014), 33.1-33:11. - Hardcover: ISBN-13: 978-1439848883, price € -. |
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4.22. Assael M.J. and Wakeham W.A., Chapter 66, "Thermal Conductivity Measurement" in "The Measurement, Instrumentation and Sensors Hanbook: Spatial, Mechanical, Thermal and Radiative Measurement", (2nd Edition, revised), Ed. Webster J.G., and Halit E., CRC Press (2014), 66.1-66.11. - Hardcover: ISBN: : K12208/9781439848883, price € -. |
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4.23. Assael M.J. and Wakeham W.A., “Transport Processes”, in “McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology” (2013) -HTTP://http://www.accessscience.com/
McGraw-Hill |
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4.24. Antoniadis K.D., Assael M.J. and Wakeham W.A., “Transport Properties of Fluids”, in “Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)” (2014), published by UNESCO
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4.25. Wu J.T., Assael M.J., and Antoniadis K. “Chapter 5.1. History of Transient Hot Wire” 4.26. Assael M.J., and Wakeham W.A. “Chapter 6.4. Application of Transient Hot Wire to Melts” 4.27. Assael M.J., and Trusler J.P.M. “Chapter 8.2. Assael and Dymond Scheme” in "Experimental Thermodynamics Volume IX: Advances in Transport Properties of Fluidsr", Eds. Assael M.J., Goodwin A.R.H., Vesovic V. and Wakeham W.A., RSC Press, London UK (2014) - Published/Distributed: 2013, RSC Press - Hardcover: ISBN-13: 978-1849736770, price € -. |
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4.28. Mylona S., Assael M.J., and Wakeham W.A. “Transport Properties of Fluids”, in “Elsevier Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering”, Elsevier (in press)
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