2010 10th: Santiago
10th IATP Meeting
Santiago de Compostela, July 2nd, 2010

Program in .pdf format

The meeting was opened by the Chairman, Prof. Sir W.A. Wakeham, who welcomed all present and thanked Prof. Josefa Fernandez and Dr. Maria J.P. Comunas for the excellent arrangements as the local organisers of the meeting.
The meeting was divided into the usual scientific session and a business session. The proceedings are recorded here in that order.


2.1 Piezorheometer: Principle of Measurement and Adaptation to High Pressure
M. Milhet, M. Sultan, A. Graciaa, C. Boned (France)

2.2 On the Application of the Vibrating-Wire Technique to the Measurement of High-Viscosity Molecular and Ionic Liquids
J.C.F. Diogo, D. Maximo, F.J.P. Caetano, G. Cruz, J. M N.A. Fareleira.(Portugal)

2.3 Measurement of the Thermal Conductivity of Ionic Liquids by the Transient Hot Bridge Method
B. Rathke, S. Will, U. Hammerschmidt (Germany)

2.4 Thermophysical Property Research on Ionic Liquids at the Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT)
J. Lehmann, M.H. Rausch, A. Leipertz, A.P. Froba (Germany)

2.5 Thermophysical Properties of Poly(Ethylene Glycol) + Polar Solute Systems
Z. Vizak, F.J.P. Caetano, S.P. Serbanovic, M.L. Kijev­canin, E. Zivkovic (Portugal)

2.6 Molecular Structure under Shear Flow
P.V. Ramirez-Gonzalez, S.E. Quinones-Cisneros (Me­xico), U.K. Deiters (Germany)

2.7 On the Measurement of the Electrical Conductivity of Ionic Liquids
J.C.F. Diogo, F.J.P. Caetano, J.L. Correia da Mata, D. Maximo, J.M N.A. Fareleira, U.V. Mardolcar (Portugal)

2.8 Decrease of the Viscosity of PEG200 by Addition of Supercritical CO2
H.M.N.T. Avelino, J.M.N.A. Fareleira, D. Gourgouillon, J. M. Igreja, M. Nunes da Ponte (Portugal)

2.9 Reference Data for the Density and Viscosity of Liquid Copper and Liquid Tin
M.J. Assael, A. Kalyva, K. Antoniadis (Greece), W.A. Wakeham (UK), I. Egry (Germany), P. Quested (UK), J.T. Wu (R.P. China), E. Kaschnitz (Austria), M. Banish (USA)

2.10 Ab Initio Calculation of the Transport Properties of Hydrogen Sulfide Gas
R. Hellmann, E. Bich, E. Vogel (Germany), V. Vesovic (UK)

Each presentation engendered discussion and a few points of special interest are noted here:
a) Dr Milhet described a new piezorheometer instrument to measure the rheological properties of live crude oils at high pressures, up to 50 MPa, and temperatures up to 150 C. Prof. Fareleira discussed the application of the vibrating wire technique for measuring high viscosity ionic liquids and showed preliminary results for the viscosity of Empy-EtSO4 which were in good agreement with capillary measurements performed with an essentially identical sample.
b) Dr Rathke described recent advances in the transient hot bridge instrument in order to be able to measure the thermal conductivity of ionic liquids. Dr Froba discussed ionic liquids research activities with the Dynamic Light Scattering technique at the Erlangen Graduate School. Properties studied included the viscosity, surface tension, mutual diffusion, thermal diffusivity, and specific heat capacity of ionic mixtures.
c) Dr Vizak presented recent research in the thermophysical properties of poly(ethylene glycol) + polar solute systems. Properties studied included density and viscosity, while Prof. Caetano reported measurements of the electrical conductivity of ionic liquids. Prof. Fareleira discussed the resulting decrease on the viscosity of PEG200 when carbon dioxide is added.
e) Prof. Quinones-Cisneros discussed recent advances in employing molecular dynamic simulations in the theoretical calculation/prediction of viscosity, and Dr Hellmann talked about an ab initio calculation of the viscosity and thermal conductivity of hydrogen sulfide gas. Finally Prof. Assael presented reference correlations for the density and viscosity of liquid copper and tin.


The following projects were concluded:

1. Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity of Water & Steam
M.J. Assael (Greece), E. Vogel, J. Millat (Germa­ny), A. Naga­shima (Japan), D. Friend, J.V. Sengers (USA)
The Viscosity correlation has been concluded and a paper published as
Huber M.L., Perkins R.A., Laesecke A., Friend D.G., Sengers J.V., Assael M.J., Metaxa I.N., Vogel E., Mares R., Miyagawa K. “New International Formulation for the Viscosity of H2O”, J. Chem.Phys. Ref. Data 38:101-126 (2009).
(The project continues for thermal conductivity).

2. Density and Viscosity of Molten Metals Cu and Sn
M.J. Assael (Greece), W.A. Wakeham (UK), I. Egry (Germany), J.T. Wu (R.P. China), E. Kaschnitz (Austria), M. Banish (USA)
The work carried out under the proposal for funding submitted to IUPAC by the Secretary Prof. Assael has been concluded and a paper under the auspices of IATP has been approved to be published in J. Chem. Ref. Data as
M.J. Assael, A. Kalyva, K.D. Antoniadis, M. Banish, I. Egry, J.T. Wu, E. Kaschnitz, W.A. Wakeham, “Reference Data for Density and Viscosity of Liquid Copper and Liquid Tin”, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data (in press).
(The project continues for different molten metals)

The following projects were discussed and it was agreed to continue them:
1. Evaluation of the Viscosity Effect upon the Vibrating U-tube Densimeter
J.P.M. Trusler (UK), J. Fernandez, M.J.P. Comunas, L. Lugo (Spain), Caetano, J.M.N.A. Fareleira (Portu­gal), A. Goodwin (USA), K. Harris (Australia), B. Rathke (Germany)
Work still continues..

2. Thermal Conductivity of Water & Steam
M.J. Assael (Greece), E. Vogel, J. Millat (Germa­ny), A. Naga­shima (Japan), D. Friend, J.V. Sengers (USA)
The new low density thermal conductivity measurements of Prof. Vogel reported in the previous meeting were taken into consideration and a new correlation for the thermal conductivity of water is almost finished. Dr Marcia Huber is submitting the final correlation to IAPWS. The project continues.

3. Density and Viscosity of Molten Metals Pb, Bi, Ni (and Maybe Sn and Ag)
M.J. Assael (Greece), W.A. Wakeham (UK), I. Egry (Germany), J.T. Wu (R.P. China), E. Kaschnitz (Austria), M. Banish (USA)
It is proposed to finalize the work on molten metals proposing correlations for the density and viscosity of lead, bismuth, nickel and maybe antimony and silver. Paper will be submitted to High Temperatures - High Pressures.

4. High Viscosity Standards
J.M.N.A. Fareleira (Portugal), W.A. Wakeham, J.P.M. Trusler (UK), A.P. Froba, A. Leipertz, B. Rathke (Germany), K. Harris (Australia), A.R.H. Goodwin, A. Laesecke, S. Bair (USA), J. Fernandez (Spain), F. Caetano (Portugal), K. Schmidt (Canada), Chr. Boned (France).
An industrial consortium had been created in USA to explore the possibility of an international project for up to for 3 M$ to develop a standard for viscosity under conditions of use to the Oil Industry. Dr Schmidt explained the desirable conditions for the standard.
- 20 cp, 35,000 psi up to 260 C (deepwater – Gulf of Mexico)
- 1000 cP up to 1500 psi up to 200’C (surface – Canada)

- Dr Schmidt, Dr Goodwin and the Chairman described the likely arrangement to carry out such a project, which would involve contractual arrangements of some kind between partners and the consortium with firm deliverables and likely penalties for failure to deliver on time and to budget.
- There was an excellent presentation entitled “Materials selection for high temperature, high pressure viscosity standards” of the work carried out by Prof. Fernandez Dr Bair and Dr Laesecke on prospective liquid viscosity candidates under some of the conditions defined.
- It was agreed that IATP might be a suitable group to co-ordinate work carried out on such a project for the consortium. It was recognized that because it was not a legal entity and could not be that, contractual arrangements could not be with IATP.
- It was suggested that if one partner in IATP could act as the main contractor to the consortium and place sub-contracts with the other partners that the structure could work.
- The contracts would lay down conditions of deliverable and timetables for each component of the program and it would be for individual laboratories to determine if they were prepared to take the contractual as implied by the contract.
- There was discussion of the new conditions for the standard which were more exacting than those specified a year ago. The prime materials identified by Prof. Fernandez, Dr Bair and Dr Laesecke did not quite meet this specification but were close.
- There was discussion about whether the first piece of any contractual arrangements should be to determine whether there as a fluid that would meet conditions as now specified or whether we should do that independently and then tell the consortium that for the present and for the money available IATP had identified a fluid that could meet most but not all of their conditions. Then there should be a dialogue with the consortium about the practical implementation of this pragmatic approach to move to a standard perhaps not quite their ideal but in a reasonable timescale.
- As squalane is the interim solution until new standards have been developed, new high-pressure measurements of viscosities of squalane have been performed by the groups of Prof. Boned (with J.P. Bazile and G. Galliero) and of Prof. Fernandez (with F.M. Gacino, X. Paredes and M.J.P. Comunas). A correlation of the literature and new data up to 200MPa and from 283.15 to 373.15 K has shown an AAD of 3.4%.

ACTIONS to be concluded by the end of the summer and reported to the Chairman:
- Prof. Trusler and Prof. Assael to find out who can and is willing to measure high viscosity of the liquids identified as a part of the IATP formulation of a proposal?
- Prof. Fernandez (together with Dr Laesecke and Dr Bair) will examine the possibility of having another material with a higher specification than already identified.
- Dr Schmidt and Dr Goodwin will prepare the consortium for the fact that IATP will make an outline proposal of a fluid not quite meeting their specification as the first stage of a dialogue about contractual negotiations for IATP.
- Prof. Wakeham and Prof. Trusler will explore the use of an Imperial College vehicle as the conduit for contractual arrangements.
(Post meeting note) It seems most likely that Prof. Fernandez, Dr Bair and Dr Laesecke should prepare a report on their work that could be submitted to the Industrial Consortium explaining what liquids they have identified and their availability to form a standard and why it might be sensible for the consortium to adopt one such fluid as a step along the way to the standard they need on an acceptable timescale.

5 Reviews of Modern Viscosity Measurement Techniques
A.H.R. Goodwin(USA), W.A. Wakeham(UK), M.J. Assael (Greece), K. Harris (Australia) and colleagues to be appointed
Will be incorporated in new project 8.

6. Short Review Paper on Evaluation of Existing Thermal Conductivity Measurements
M.J. Assael (Greece), W.A. Wakeham (UK), J. Wu (R.P. China), C.A. Nieto de Castro (Portugal), M. Banish (USA)
Will be incorporated in new project 8.

7. Ionic Liquids Viscosity, Thermal Conductivity Measurements for a new IUPAC standard.
J.M.N.A. Fareleira, C.A. Nieto de Castro (Portugal), A. Froeba (Germany), A. Leipertz, U. Hammerschmidt (Germany), J. Fernandez (Spain), R. Perkins (USA), and K. Harris (Australia).
Work continues aiming to propose new Ionic liquids standards.

The following project was discussed and it was agreed to start:
8. Update to the book on Measurement of Transport Properties of Fluids
W.A. Wakeham (UK), A. Goodwin (USA), M.J. Assael (Greece)
Authors will be approached by the above editors to write an update to the book Experimental Thermodynamics. Vol. III. Measurement of the Transport Properties of Fluids. Eds. A. Nagashima, J.V. Sengers and W.A. Wakeham. Blackwell Scientific Publications (1991).

Dr Bernd Rathke (Germany) was approved as a new Member of IATP.

The following dates and places of the IATP meetings were decided

5.1. 11th IATP Meeting, 2011
The 11th IATP Meeting will take place in Thessaloniki on Friday September 2nd, just after the 19th ECTP (August 28th - September 1st, 2011), which will also occur in the same place. Prof Assael will be the local organiser.

5.2. 12th IATP Meeting, 2012
The 12th IATP Meeting will take place in Boulder before the STP Meeting.

List of People that attended the meeting:
1) Prof. William A. Wakeham (UK), Chairman
2) Prof. Marc J. Assael (Greece), Secretary
3) Prof. Alfred Leipertz (Germany)
4) Prof. Akira Nagashima (Japan)
5) Prof. Christian Boned (France)
6) Dr Fernando Caetano (Portugal)
7) Prof. Joao M.N. Fareleira (Portugal)
8) Prof. Josefa Fernandez (Spain)
9) Prof. Andreas Froeba (Germany)
10) Prof. Guillaume Galliero (France)
11) Dr. Antony Goodwin (USA)
12) Dr. Sergio Quinones-Cisneros (Mexico)
13) Prof. J.P. Martin Trusler (UK)
14) Dr. Bernd Rathke (Germany)
15) Prof. Miguel A. Villamanan (Spain)
16) Prof. Carmen Martin (Spain)
17) Dr. Eckard Bich (Germany)
18) Dr. Maria J. P. Comunas (Spain)
19) Dr. Josefa Garcia (Spain)
20) Dr. Robert Hellmann (Germany)
21) Dr. Erhard Kaschnitz (Austria)
22) Dr. Luis Lugo (Spain)
23) Dr. Michel Milhet (France)
24) Dr. Alfonso S. Pensado (Spain)
25) Dr. Nadejda Popovska (Germany)
26) Dr. Zoran Visak (Portugal)
27) Dr Kurt Schmidt (Canada)
28) Dr Jose J. Segovia (Spain)
29) Mr. Jean P. Bazile (France)
30) Mr. Joao C. F. Diogo (Portugal)
31) Mr. Fernando Lopez-Sanchez (Spain)
32) Ms. Agni Kalyva (Greece)
33) Ms. Dauria R. C. Maximo (Portugal)
34) Mr. Felix M. Gacino (Spain)
25) Mr. Xavier Paredes (Spain)
36) Ms. Teresa Regueira (Spain)
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