2016 16th: London

 16th IATP Meeting, July 15th 2016

 2016 iatp1

2016 iatp2


            The meeting was opened by the Chairman, Prof. Sir William Wakeham, who welcomed all present and thanked Prof J.P. Martin Trusler for the excellent arrangements as the local organiser of the meeting. Prof. Wakeham expressed deep sorrow and sadness for the recent loss of Dr Mickey Haynes, a very active member of the thermophysical properties community and Editor of International Journal of Thermophyics.
   The meeting was divided into the usual scientific session and business session. The proceedings are recorded here in that order.



2.1.   Developing a Torsional Crystal Viscometer for Liquids at High Pressures
 K. Meier, Cl. Junker (Germany), A. Laesecke (USA)

2.2.   Necessary Conditions for the Proper Use of the Transient Hot-Wire Technique
 G. Tertsinidou, K.D. Antoniadis, M.J.Assael (Greece), W.A. Wakeham (UK).

2.3.  Mutual Diffusion in the Ternary Mixture of Water + Methanol + Ethanol: Experiment and Molecular Simulation
J. Vrabec, Y. Gaponenko, V. Shevtsova, T. Janzen, G. Guevara-Carrión (Germany)

2.4. Viscosity Measurements of Hexadecane using a Dual-Capillary Viscometer at Temperatures up to 723 K
I. Emerson, R. Glover, O. Herbage, Y. Sanchez-Vicente, R. Suisial, J. P.Μ. Trusler (UK)

2.5.  Predicting the Transport Properties in Dense Ionic Fluids from Molecular Simulation: Challenges in Methods and Interaction Models
A.A.H. Pádua, J. França, P.B. Sánchez, A. Dequidt (France), C.A. Nieto de Castro, J. Garcia (Portugal).

2.6.   Characterization of Molecular Diffusion in Liquids with Dissolved Gases
Th.M. Koller, A. Leipertz, M.H. Rausch, A.P. Fröba (Germany).

2.7.  Transport Properties of Dilute D2O Vapor from First Principles
R. Hellmann, E. Bich (Germany).

2.8.  Viscosity and Density of (CO2 + Synthetic crude oil) Mixtures at Temperatures from (298 to 423) K and Pressures from (0.1 to 100) MPa
C. Calabrese, G.C Maitland, J.P.M. Trusler (UK)

2.9.  Measurements of Mass Diffusion Approaching Critical Point
V. Shevtsova, Shi Zhang, S. Ancherbak, J.C. Legros, A. Mialdun (Belgium)

2.10. On the Proposal of TOTM for High Viscosity Industrial Reference Fluid
J.M.N.A. Fareleira, T. Santos, J. Diogo, H. Avelino, F. Caetano (Portugal), W.A. Wakeham (UK)

2.11. New Correlation for the Viscosity of Normal Butane
S. Herrmann, E. Vogel (Germany).

2.12. The Viscosity of Squalane Revisited – An Updated Reference Model        
K. Schmidt, S. Bair (USA), J.P.M. Trusler (UK)

2.13. High Pressure Volumetric Properties, Heat Capa­cities and Thermal Conductivities of di(penta­erythritol) hexa(3,5,5-trimethylhexanoate)
E.R. López, O. Fandiño, D. Cabaleiro,  L. Lugo , J. Fernández (Spain)

2.14. New Viscosity Measurements on Compressed Liquid n-Tetradecane; Preliminary Results
T. Santos, H. Avelino, F. Caetano, J.M.N.A. Fareleira (Portugal)


Each presentation engendered discussion and a few points of special interest are noted here:


 a)   Regarding Instruments:

-   Cl. Junker presented an excellent analysis of the electric field in the sensor of a new torsional crystal viscometer for 200-450 K and up to 100 MPa. Based on a well-founded analysis of the mechanical vibration of the crystal and smoother crystal surfaces, the new instrument aims at an uncertainty of less than 1%. Retrospective analyses of the measurements made with some instruments of this kind at NIST may be possible..

-   As many investigators nowadays tend to oversimplify the application of the transient hot-wire technique, G. Tertsinidou presented the necessary conditions for its proper use. She further showed how easily measurements can be wrong, if these conditions are not met.


b)   New measurements:

-   T. Janzen presented mutual diffusion coefficient measurements in a ternary mixture of Water+Methanol+ Ethanol obtained in a Taylor dispersion instrument, and predictions from molecular simulation results. Prediction was very near the experimental result even with the rather simple potential employed. A Taylor-dispersion instrument was employed by V. Shevtova, to study mass diffusion approaching the critical point of benzene in supercritical CO2 up to 25 MPa, while Th.M. Koller combined study of DLS and MD for reliable determination of mass diffusion of liquids with different dissolved gases.

-  Νew viscosity measurements, useful for future reference correlations, of hexadecane using a dual-capillary viscometer at temperatures up to 723 K and 4 MPa, were presented by Y. Sanchez-Vicente. Preliminary viscosity measurements, using the vibrating-wire technique, on compressed liquid n-tetradecane were presented by F. Caetano. These measurements will be useful for a future reference corelation.

-   Cl. Calabrese employed a vibrating wire vicometer and an AntonPaar U-tube densimeter, to examine the effect of CO2 in synthetic dead oil, at high temperatures-high pressures conditions.

- New high-pressure measurements of density, heat capa­city and thermal conductivity of di(penta­erythritol) hexa(3,5,5-trimethylhexanoate) were presented by J. Fernández.


c)   Reference viscosity liquids:

-   J.M.N.A Fareleira proposed TOTM as a very suitable liquid for a high temperatures-high pressures deepwater standard. He further discussed its rheological behavior and thermal stability. The tests carried out about these themes, have evidenced a satisfactory performance taking into account the required properties for such application.

-   K. Schmidt presented a new correlation for the viscosity of squalane extended in pressure up to 1400 MPa (the previous correlation by Mylona et al. was valid only up to 200 MPa) based on Bair’s data. The two correlations agree well with each other up to 200 MPa. 


d)   Theoretical:

-  R. Hellmann presented their recent work employing kinetic theory to calculate transport properties of D2O in the dilute gas limit. Calculated values are to be employed in the new IAPWS viscosity and thermal conductivity reference correlations.

-   S. Herrmann described a new viscosity correlation for n-butane, as a function of temperature and density, based on new precise experimental viscosity data.

-   Α.A.H. Padua presented equilibrium and non-equilibrium techniques to simulate transport properties in dense ionic fluids.





1. Round Robin project on ionic liquids viscosity, and thermal conductivity measurements.
J.M.N.A. Fareleira, C.A. Nieto de Castro (Portugal), A. Leipertz, A. Fröba, U. Hammerschmidt, B. Rathke (Germany), J. Fernandez (Spain), R. Perkins (USA), K. Harris (Australia), M.J. Assael (Greece)
Project stopped.



The following projects were discussed and it was agreed to continue them:

1. Reference correlations for the viscosity and thermal conductivity of fluids over extended temperature and pressure ranges.
M.J. Assael (Greece), M.L. Huber, R.A. Perkins (USA), J.M.N.A Fareleira (Portugal).
Project continues. M.J. Assael proposed a new section under IATP site (http://transp.cheng .auth.gr/ -> IATP) where all reference correlations for transport properties published by IATP members will be listed; as well as ongoing work, in order to avoid possible duplication. J.M.N.A. Fareleira informed the group that they were starting to develop a new correlation for the viscosity of n-tetradecane.

2. Reference correlations for the viscosity and thermal conductivity of D2O over extended temperature and pressure ranges
S.K.Mylona, M.J. Assael (Greece), M.L. Huber, R.A. Perkins, J.V. Sengers (USA), R. Hellmann (Germany)
Project continues.

3.   High-temperature high-pressure viscosity standards
J.M.N.A. Fareleira, F. Caetano (Portugal), W. A. Wakeham, J.P.M. Trusler (UK), A.P. Froba, A. Lei­pertz, B. Rathke (Germany), K. Harris (Australia), A. Laesecke (USA), J. Fernandez (Spain), K. Schmidt (Canada), Chr. Boned (France)

  1. TOTM:  A paper will be published under the auspices of IATP. New measurements were invited from members but for inclusion they should be concluded and conveyed to Joao Fareleira by December 2016.
  2. the IUPAC project report to be prepared by J. Fernanez, on “International standard for viscosity at temperatures up to 473 K and pressures below 200 MPa” (J. Fernandez, J.P.M.Trusler, R.M. Enick, M.J. Assael).
  3. A new short paper describing all we have done for high pressure viscosity standards will be prepared in due course.

4. Two Two new volumes on experimental thermodynamics series published under the auspices of IUPAC. Editor in Chief,  W.Wakeham
-  Vol. X.Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics
Eds. S. Kjelstrup, D. Bedeaux, J.V. Sengers (USA). This is now published.
-  Vol. XI. Industrial Applications
Eds. W.A. Wakeham, V. Vesovic (UK), M. Huber (USA), E. May (Australia)  
Hard copy + electronic updates. It was felt that during the depression of the petrol industry it will be very difficult to find authors. The project remains on hold assuming that the publishers and ΙUPAC agree to such a proposal.

5.  Diffusion nomenclature in the IUPAC Definitions of Symbols & Units
V. Shevtsova (Belgium), M. Banish (USA), W.A. Wakeham (UK), C.A. Nieto de Castro (Portugal), K. Harris (Australia).
Project continues



      6.  Reference correlation for Thermal conductivity of Molten Metals
             M.J. Assael (Greece), W.A. Wakeham (U.K.), M.L. Huber (U.S.A.)



 Members were reminded that if they wish to have the endorsement of IATP for their work they should submit it to the Secretary in the first instance to arrange a rapid review. Referees agreed to participate in the review process in addition to the Executive Member are A. Fröba, J.M. Trusler, M.L. Huber, E. May, and K. Marsh.



Prof. M.J. Assael reminded everyone that all information about IATP activities, as well as the current list of members, can always be found at

https://ltpep.com/   -> I.A.T.P.

It was also decided that members who had not attended for some time, and where there was evidence that they would not have a continuing connection, would be removed form the list.

The following new member was approved:
- Dr Kurt Schmidt (UK)




5.1. 17th IATP Meeting, 2017
The 17th IATP Meeting will take place on Sunday September 3rd in Gratz, Austria, in 2017, just prior to the 21st ECTP (September 3rd  – 8th 2017). Details will be announced in due course.

5.2. 18th IATP Meeting, 2018
The 18th IATP Meeting will take place in Boulder, Colorado USA, prior to the 20th Symposium of Thermophysical Properties. Details will be announced in due course.

5.3. 19th IATP Meeting, 2019
The 19th IATP Meeting will take place in Erlangen, Germany. A. Froba will be the local organiser. The exact date will be announce in due course.




 List of people that attended the meeting:

1) Prof. Sir William A. Wakeham (UK), Chairman
2) Prof. Marc J. Assael (Greece), Secretary

3) Prof, Eckard Bich (Germany)
4) Prof. Fernando Caetano (Portugal)
5) Mr Claudio Calabrese (UK)
6) Dr Juan Carloss Castro Palacio (UK)
7) Prof. Akira Nagashima (Japan)
8) Prof. Joao M.N.A. Fareleira (Portugal)
9) Prof. Josefa Fernandez (Spain)
10) Prof. Andreas Fröba (Germany)
11) Dr Robert Hellmann (Germany)
12) Dr Sebastian Herrmann (Germany)
13) Prof. Tatjana Janzen (Germany)
14) Mr Clemens Junker (Germany)
15) Mrs Ulrike Kochan-Eilers (Germany)
16) Mr Thomas Koller (Germany)
17) Dr Aliaksandr Mialdun (Belgium)
18) Prof. Karsten Meier (Germany)
19) Dr Binh Thanh Nguyen (UK)
20) Prof. Agilio A.H. Padua (France)
21) Dr Bernd Rathke (Germany)
22) De Nicol Riesco (UK)
23) Dr Geraldine A. Torin Ollarves (UK)
24) Prof. J.P. Martin Trusler (UK)
25) Dr Michael H. Rausch (Germany)
26) Dr Yolanda Sanchez-Vicente (UK)
27) Dr Kurt Schmidt (UK)
28) Dr Valentina Shevtsova (Belgium)
29) Mrs Georgia Tertsinidou (Greece)
30) Prof. Tatjana Vasyltsova (Germany)



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