2019 19th: Erlangen

 19th IATP Meeting, August 31st 2019 




             The meeting was opened by the Chairman, Prof. Sir William Wakeham, who welcomed all present and thanked Prof. Andreas Fröba for the excellent arrangements as the local organiser of the meeting. 
   The meeting was divided into the usual scientific session and business session. The proceedings are recorded here in that order.



2.1     Observations on the Oscillating Quartz Crystal Visco­­meter
W.A. Wakeham, S. Richardson (U.K.).

2.2   Exploratory Study on the Viscosity of Poly(ethylene­glycols) and their Mixtures with CO2 
M.C.M. Sequeira, M.F.V. Pereira, H.M.N.T. Avelino, F.J.P. Caetano, J.M.N.A. Fareleira (Portugal)

2.3   Characterization of Particulate Systems by Studying Translational and Rotational Diffusivities by Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS)
T.M. Koller, C. Giraudet, M.H. Rausch, A.P. Fröba (Germany).

2.4    Wide-Ranging Measurements of the Viscosity of the Noble Gas Neon with a Vibrating-Wire Viscometer.
U. Kochan-Eilers, K. Meier (Germany)

2.5     Viscosity Measurements of Krypton at Temperatures from (253 to 473) K with Pressures up to 2 MPa
K. Humberg and M. Richter (Germany).

2.6     Reference Correlations for the Viscosity of 13 Inorganic Molten Salts
K.A. Tasidou, M.J. Assael, Chr. Chliatzou, S.K. Mylona, K.D. Antoniadis (Greece), M.L. Huber (USA), W.A. Wakeham (UK).

2.7  Comprehensive and Accurate Measurements and a Reference Correlation for the Viscosity of Toluene
C. Junker, U. Kochan-Eilers (Germany), A. Laesecke (USA), R. Hellmann, E. Vogel, K. Meier (Germany).

2.8     Improved Reference Formulation for the Viscosity of Propane
S. Herrmann, E. Vogel, R. Hellmann (Germany)

2.9   Viscosity and Interfacial Tension of Liquid Hydrocarbons Containing Dissolved Gases Studied by Surface Light Scattering (SLS) and Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulation
T. Klein, M. Kerscher, F.D. Lenahan, M.H. Rausch, T.M. Koller, A.P. Fröba (Germany)

2.10  Diffusivities Accessible by Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) Around the two Phase Boundary of an Equimolar Propane and Methane Mixture
M. Piszko, M.H. Rausch, C. Giraudet, A.P. Fröba (Germany).

2.11   Thermophysical Properties Research of Alternative Refrigerant
J. Wu, X. Meng, S. Bi (P.R China).

2.12  Shadowgraphy for the Application within Thermophysical Property Researh
W. Wu, M.H. Rausch, C. Giraudet, A.P. Fröba (Germany)

2.13  Cross Second Virial Coefficients and Dilute Gas Transport Properties of Binary Mixtures of Ethane with Methane, Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide, and Hydrogen Sulfide
R. Hellmann (Germany)

 Each presentation engendered discussion and a few points of special interest are noted here:


 a)   Instruments:

-  W.A. Wakeham discussed the theory of the Oscillating Quartz Crystal Viscometer and the problems that arise when the measurements are analysed separately using either the resonant frequency or the bandwidth equations. The latter probably gives  the best results but the disparity is worrying. He is attempting to understand fully the problem and solve the theory.
M. Piszko discussed diffusivities accessible by DLS around the two phase boundary of an equimolar propane and methane mixture. He presented a comparison between experimental and calculated Rayleigh ratios and how they can be used for model selection.
W. Wu discussed the use of Shadowgraphy in Thermophysical properties research. He demonstrated as example, the determination of the diffusivity coefficient on free diffusion experiments and thermodiffusion in out of equilibrium toluene /isooctane mixtures.


b)   Current research activities:

An interesting presentation of the research on thermophysical properties of refrigerants carried out in the Department of Thermo-Fluid Science and Engineering in Xi’an Jiaotong University, was given by J. Wu.


c)   Theoretical:

Very accurate cross second virial coefficients and dilute gas transport properties of binary mixtures of ethane with methane, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide, determined from ab-initio-based pair potentials, were shown by R. Hellmann


d)   Measurements:

An interesting discussion of the translational and rotational diffusivities of gold nanoparticles in water was presented by F.E. Bioucas
U. Kochan-Eilers presented wide-ranging very accurate measure-ments of the viscosity of neon with a vibrating-wire viscometer. Measurements were obtained by measuring the damped oscillation of a vibrating wire and the instrument was calibrated with helium.
Low-pressure Krypton viscosity measurements were performed by K. Humberg. The viscosity was obtained by the damped motion of a levitated rotating cylinder when its excitation was stopped.
Very accurate viscosity measurements of toluene up to 100 MPa were performed with a torsional crystal viscometer and presented by C. Junker. A new reference correlation was also presented.
T. Klein presented surface-light-scattering measurements of the viscosity and interfacial tension of 2-Hexyl-1-Decanol at 298.15 and 573.15 K at saturation, as well as of the alkanes  from hexane to dodecane over a range of temperature.


e)   Reference values / Correlations:

J.M.N.A. Fareleira discussed the development of a correlation scheme capable of predicting the viscosity of PEGS saturated with CO2, employing one correlation parameter for each mixture. The method can incorporate an independent scheme to estimate the viscosity of (“pure”) PEGs at high pressures, using their viscosity at 0.1 MPa, only.
Reference correlations for the viscosity of 13 inorganic molten salts were presented by K. Tasidou.
S. Herrmann presented an improved reference formulation for the viscosity of propane.







The following projects were discussed and it was agreed to continue them:

1. Reference correlations for the viscosity and thermal conductivity of fluids over extended temperature and pressure ranges.
M.J. Assael (Greece), M.L. Huber, R.A. Perkins (USA), J.M.N.A Fareleira (Portugal).
Project continues. M.J. Assael reminded everyone that there is a section under IATP site (https://ltpep.com/-> IATP) where the reference correlations for transport properties published by IATP members are listed.


2. Reference correlations for the viscosity and thermal conductivity of D2O over extended temperature and pressure ranges
M.J. Assael (Greece), M.L. Huber, R.A. Perkins, J.V. Sengers (USA), R. Hellmann (Germany)
M.J. Assael informed IATP that the viscosity correlation has been concluded and submitted to IAPWS for approval. Following its approval, the correlation for the thermal conductivity will be submitted. Project continues.


3.   High-temperature high-pressure viscosity standards
J. Fernandez (Spain), J.M.N.A. Fareleira, F. Caetano (Portugal), W. A. Wakeham, J.P.M. Trusler (UK), A.P. Froba, A. Lei­pertz, B. Rathke (Germany), K. Harris (Australia), A. Laesecke (USA), K. Schmidt (Canada), Chr. Boned (France)
Project continues for one more year.


4.  Diffusion nomenclature in the IUPAC Definitions of Symbols & Unitts
A. Fröba (Leader), T. Koller, C. Giraudet (Germany), V. Shevtsova (Belgium), W.A. Wakeham (UK), K. Harris (Australia).
IUPAC had failed to update their website about the team now engaged on this project until the Spring of 2019 but had now recognised the new team. The Project continues and a final report will be expected next year.


5.  Reference correlations for thermal conductivity and viscosity of molten salts
K. Tasidou, M.J. Assael (Greece), W.A. Wakeham (U.K.), M.L. Huber, M. Troy (U.S.A.)
M.J. Assael informed IATP that a paper on the thermal conductivity and one on the viscosity of molten salts has been published as

-   Chliatzou C., Assael M.J.,Antoniadis K.D., Huber M.L., Wakeham W.A., “Reference Correlations for the Thermal Conductivity of 13 Inorganic Molten Salts”, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 47:033104:1-12 (2018).

-    Tasidou K., Mylona S., Chliatzou C., Assael M.J., Antoniadis K.D., Huber M.L., Wakeham W.A., “Reference Correlations for the Viscosity of 13 Inorganic Molten Salts”, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 48:013101:1-12 (2019)

    Project continues for one more year, with reference to the viscosity of molten eutectic mixtures of salts that are of interest to the nuclear industry.


6.  Commonly Asked Questions in Thermodynamics” 
M.J. Assael (Greece), W.A. Wakeham, G. Maitland (UK), S. Will, Th. Maskow (Germany), U.V. Stockar (Switzerland).
Project continues and material will be submitted to the publisher in Autumn 2020.


7.  Problems associated with the low-density application of the THW technique
S. Mylona (Canada), E. May (Australia), R. Perkins (USA), M.J Assael , K. Tasidou (Greece), W.A. Wakeham (UK).
Project continues.


8.  Properties of n-alkanes (higher than n-dodecane) 
J.M.N.A Fareleira, F.J.P. Caetano (Portugal), M.J. Assael (Greece), M.L. Huber (USA), E. May (Australia). A. Fröba, K. Meier, S.E. Quiñones-Cisneros (Germany), J. Fernandez (Spain)
Project continues


9.  Thermal conductivity and enthalpy of fusion of n-alkanes as practical PCM
L. Fedele (Leader), S. Bobbo (Italy), M.J. Assael (Greece), W.A. Wakeham (U.K.), R. Perkins (USA), A. Fröba, Th. Kohler (Germany), J.M.N.A. Fareleira (Portugal)
Project continues.



  10.   Further understanding of the operation of the torsional crystal
         K. Meier (Germany), F.J.V. Santos (Portugal), A. Laesecke (USA), W.A.
         Wakeham (UK)
          Project initiated



Suggestions were sought from members (by email to the Secretary) of topics that might be covered in future invited lectures. The intent would be to expose issues to the group where they may be able to formulate a useful project. 
Also, presentations of unresolved problems, such as that covered in the talk by the Chairman, were also encouraged.



Members were reminded that if they wish to have the endorsement of IATP for their work they should submit it to the Secretary in the first instance to arrange a rapid review. Referees agreed to participate in the review process in addition to the Executive Member are A. Fröba, J.P.M. Trusler, M.L. Huber, and E.F. May.



Prof. M.J. Assael reminded everyone that all information about IATP activities, as well as the current list of members, can always be found at

https://ltpep.com/   -> I.A.T.P.

It was also decided that members who had not attended for some time, and where there was evidence that they would not have a continuing connection, would be removed form the list.

The following new member was approved:
-    Professor Markus Richter



A discussion was carried out concerning the future of IATP. The members present felt, and it was hence decided that:

- IATP should continue to exist but that to safeguard its future plans should be made for a renewal of leadership.
- Younger members in leadership positions in their institutions, should join the current IATP Executive (well known scientists of younger age, from different countries, who have shown their interest in IATP by their presence.
- Current Executive will select and propose a maximum of  3 new persons to add.



6.1. 20th IATP Meeting, 2020
The 20th IATP Meeting will take place in Venice, Italy, on Sunday September 13th, 2020, just prior to the 22nd ECTP (September 14-17, 2020). Details will be announced in due course. Prof. Alberto Muscio will be asked to be, or appoint, a local host. 

6.2. 21st IATP Meeting, 2021
The 21st IATP Meeting will take place in Boulder. Colorado, USA, on Sunday June ???, 2021, just prior to the 21st STP (June ??-??, 2021). Details will be announced in due course. Dr Richard Perkins will be asked to be, or appoint, a local host. 

6.3. 22nd IATP Meeting, 2022
The location for the 22nd IATP Meeting in 2022, will be in Lisbon, Portugal. More details will be available in due course. Prof. Fernando Caetano will be the local host. 



 List of people that attended the meeting:

       1.Professor Sir William A. Wakeham (Chairman)
2.Professor Marc J. Assael (Secretary)
3.Professor Shengshan Bi
4.Mr Francisco Bioucas
5.Dr Fernando Caetano
6.Professor Joao M.N.A. Fareleira
7.Professor Andreas Paul Fröba
8.Dr Cédric Giraudet
9.Dr Robert Hellmann
10.Dr Sebastian Herrmann
11.Mr Ubaya Higgoda
12.Mrs Nicole Hoyer
13.Mr Xiozhen Hu
14.Mr Kai Humberg
15.Mr Clemens Junker
16.Mr Manuel Kerscher
17.Mr Tobias Klein
18.Mr Matthias Knoll
19.Mrs Ulrike Kochan-Eilers
20.Mrs Ximei Liang
21.Dr Thomas Manfred Koller
22.Mrs Frances Lenahan
23.Prof. Karsten Meier
24.Dr Aliaksandr Mialdun
25.Dr Xianyang Meng
26.Professor Akira Nagashima
27.Mr Maximilian Piszkο
28.Dr Michael H. Rausch
29.Professor Markus Richter
30.Professor Valentina Shevtsova
31.Mrs Katerina Tasidou
32.Professor Eckhard Vogel
33.Professor Stefan Will
34.Professor Jochen Winkelmann
35.Professor Jiangtao Wu
36.Mr Wenchang Wu
37.Mr Jian Yang
38.Mr Tao Yang


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