2001 1st: Possidi
1st IATP Meeting
Possidi, 7 - 8 September 2001

Program in .pdf format

The meeting was opened by the Chairman, Prof. W.A. Wakeham, who welcomed all present and thanked Prof. M.J. Assael and Ms N. Dalaouti and Ms I. Metaxa for the excellent arrangements as the local organisers of the meeting. The meeting was divided into the usual scientific session and a business session. The proceedings are recorded here in that order.


2.1. Accurate Determination of Viscosity and Surface Tension by Surface Light Scattering.
A.P. Froeba, S. Will, A. Leipertz (Germany)

2.2. Simultaneous Measurement of Density and Viscosity of Mixtures at High Pressure.
A.A.H. Padua, F. Audonnet (France)

2.3 Measurement of High Viscosity Fluids using a Vibrating-Wire Instrument - Exploratory tests
F.J.P. Caetano, J.L. Correia da Mata, J.M.N.A. Fareleira, C.M.B.P. Oliveira (Portugal), W.A. Wakeham (UK)

2.4. Determination of Binary Diffusion Coefficients of Gases using Holographic Interferometry in a Loschmidt Cell.
J. Baranski, E. VogeL (Germany)

2.5. The Density Dependence of the Viscosity Coefficient.
P.S. van der Gulik, C.A. ten Seldam (The Netherlands)

2.6. Static and Dynamic Light Scattering in the Critical Region of a Ternary Liquid Mixture.
J. Winkelmann (Germany)

2.7. Application of the Transient Hot-wire Technique to the Accurate Measurement of the Thermal Conductivity of Solids.
M.J. Assael, K. Gialou (Greece)

2.8. Effective Cross-sections for the Thermal Conductivity of Diatomic and Linear Triatomic Gases.
S. Bock, E. Bich, E. Vogel (Germany)

2.9 Some Comments about the Viscosity of Molten Salts
V. Nunes, F. J. V. Santos, M. J. V. Lourenco, C. A. Nieto de Castro (Portugal)

2.10 Dipoles and Hydrogen Bonding in Liquid Fluorocarbons
R. S. Pai-Panandiker, B. Cabral, C. A. Nieto de Castro (Portugal)

Each presentation engendered discussion and a few points of special interest are noted here:
a) Dr Froba presented new accurate absolute measurements performed by the surface light scattering technique. Fluids examined were toluene and refrigerants. Their viscosity was measured with an uncertainty of ±1-2% while the surface tension with ±1%.
b) Dr Padua presented new simultaneous measurements of the viscosity and density of n-decane performed in a vibrating-wire instrument.
c) Prof. Fareleira presented preliminary measurements of the viscosity of dibuthyl phthalate, performed in a modified vibrating-wire instrument. This work covered the range 268-298 K, and at the lowest temperature, the viscosity of that liquid is ca 90 mPa.s. It has thus been shown that there are good prospects to measure viscosities of the order of 100 mPa.s using the vibrating-wire technique. Furthermore, these measurements are important to IATP, as dibuthyl phthalate's viscosity, being substantially higher than that of water, maybe can be employed as a viscosity standard at higher viscosity values.
d) Binary diffusion coefficients of argon in propane up to 4 bars using holographic interferometry in a Loschmidt cell, were presented by Prof. Vogel. The measurements were characterised by ±1% uncertainty while further improvements will follow.
e) Dr van der Gulik discussed improvements in the theoretical correlation of the density dependence of viscosity of methane, while Prof. Winkelmann showed preliminary measurements in the critical region of a ternary liquid mixture performed by the static and dynamic light scattering techniques.
f) Prof. Assael presented an application of the transient hot-wire technique to the accurate measurement of the thermal conductivity of solids. The thermal conductivity of pyroceram 9606 was measured with an absolute uncertainty of ±1%.
g) A very interesting development in the calculation of the effective cross-sections employed for the prediction of the thermal conductivity of diatomic and linear triatomic gases, was presented by Prof. Vogel.
h) Prof. Nieto de Castro discussed new ways to ensure the filling with molten salt of the vibrating cell employed for the measurement of viscosity, while on a different subject, he presented improvements in theoretical calculations of dipoles and hydrogen bonding in liquid fluorocarbons.



Prof. Wakeham informed the members that the Subcommittee on Transport Properties of Commission I.2 of IUPAC has ceased to exist because IUPAC has decided to reorganise itself in an effort to address better the needs of Society. In that reorganisation all Commissions of IUPAC have been terminated including the Commission on Thermodynamics of which the subcommittee was a part. It will still be possible to associate projects and/or conferences with the IPUAC name but through the Division Committees (in our case the Division of Physical Chemistry).
In these circumstances the group present at meeting in Possidi Greece discussed the issues that arose very very carefully.
1. The first element of the discussion concerned the question as to whether there remained any purpose for the group to continue to meet. The vast majority of attendees felt that the particular relaxed format for the meetings prompted a valuable exchange of ideas without reservation about misuse. Although the explicit outcome of these discussions did not lead to rapid progress on correlation projects there were other benefits to be derived especially for students.
2. The group also felt that association with the residual body of the Commission on Thermodynamics would be useful and secures the continuing relationship to IUPAC. It was agreed that this body should be consulted to discuss the form of the relationship. Should this discussion not prove fruitful independent approaches to IUPAC for the same reason would be supported.
3. It was agreed that if possible the name IUPAC should be sought in association with meetings because it helped secure funding for the attendance in some countries.
4. It was felt that no formal structure was necessary for the continuing group but that needed a new name. The title International Association for Transport Properties (IATP) was agreed by consensus.
5. It was agreed that all current members and corresponding members of the Subcommittee who attended regularly should be grouped under one title of Members and those attending seldom, but requesting information, should be included as Corresponding Members. (A list discussed at the meeting is attached)
6. It was agreed that a new set of aims might be agreed to reduce the importance of standardisation and codification in favour of more active science. A proposed draft is given below.
The International Association for Transport Properties is a non-profit grouping of scientists devoted to the advancement of the transport properties of materials. In particular, the association is engaged in the preparation of representations of the transport properties that are of value to engineering process design, and to the description of natural processes in the environment where international collaboration and agreement is of specially significant. These developments will be carried out in the context of the underlying science and with the intention of improving understanding.
7. It was agreed that for the time being the two existing officers should continue.
8. The frequency of meetings was thought to be about right. The minutes record further information with regard to the locations of the next meetings of the Association. The intention is to be totally inclusive to those who are interested in the subject of transport properties who wish to participate whatever the state of matter they have an interest in.

The following projects approved in the 1999 Boulder meeting between the members of IATP were reported to have finished:

1. Viscosity of Toluene as a Function of Pressure
N. Dalaouti, M.J.Assael (Greece), K. Harris (Austra-lia), J.M.N.A. Fareleira (Portugal)
The project is concluded and published in Int. J. Thermophys. 22:789-799 (2001).
2. Viscosity of Toluene at Atmospheric Pressure in Wide Ranges of Temperature.
F.J.V. Santos, C.A. Nieto de Castro (Portugal), J.H. Dymond (UK), N. Dalaouti, M.J. Assael (Greece), A. Nagashima (Japan)
The project is concluded and Prof. C.A. Nieto de Castro circulated a first draft to be considered as a paper under "the auspices of the Subcommittee".
3. Viscosity of Liquid Water
W.A.Wakeham, J.H. Dymond (UK), H.A. Oye (Norway)
The project is stopped due to lack of funds.

The following projects were discussed and it was agreed to continue them:
1. Transport Properties of Methane + Ethane
S. Will, A. Leipertz, E. Vogel (Germany), V. Vesovic, W.A. Wakeham (UK)
Prof. Will will ask Dr Perkins for thermal conductivity measurements.
2. Thermal Conductivity of n-Butane
R. Perkins, J.V. Sengers (USA), C.A. Nieto de Castro (Portugal)
3. Viscosity of Alkali Chlorides
H. Oye (Norway), C.A. Nieto de Castro (Portugal)
4. Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity of Water & Steam
M.J. Assael (Greece), J. Millat (Germany), A. Naga-shima (Japan), D. Friend, J.V. Sengers (USA)
Prof. Assael informed IATP that he was appointed national representative of IAPWS and he was hoping that this appointment might facilitate the continuation of the project.
5. Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity of D2O
M.J. Assael (Greece), A. Nagashima (Japan)
For the continuation of the project a new EOS for D2O is necessary.
6. Viscosity of n-Pentane
A. Laesecke (USA), E. Vogel (Germany), M.J. Assael (Greece)
7. Viscosity of Cyclopentane
N. Dalaouti, M.J. Assael (Greece), J.M.N.A. Fareleira (Portugal), H. Bauer (Germany), K. Harris (Australia)
Dr Bauer and Prof. Harris are still to perform measurements.
8. Investigation of a New High-Viscosity Standard
J.M.N.A. Fareleira, C.M.B.P. Oliveira (Portugal), M.J. Assael (Greece), A. Leipertz, H. Bauer (Germany), A. Nagashima (Japan)
Dibutyl phthalate is an intermediate possible candidate as its viscosity at 293 K, is 20 times that of water. Higher standards are to be considered.
9. Feasibility Study for a Book on The Properties of Water, Air and Sea Water
A. Nagashima (Japan), M.J. Assael (Greece), J. Millat (Germany).
10. Thermal Conductivity of Iso-Butane
R. Perkins (USA), K. Marsh (New Zealand), C.A. Nieto de Castro (Portugal)
Prof. Nieto de Castro is to communicate with Dr Perkins in relation to the progress of the project.
11. Correlation of the Thermal Conductivity of R134a.
R. Perkins, A. Laesecke, J.V. Sengers (USA)
Prof. Nieto de Castro is to communicate with Dr Perkins in relation to the progress of the project.

The following project was discussed and it was agreed to start:
1. Feasibility Study on Properties of Ionic Fluids
E. Vogel (Germany), K. Marsh (New Zealand), Padua (France), Fareleira (Portugal)

The new list of Members and Corresponding Members of IATP discussed and decided is included.

The following dates and places of the IATP meetings were decided

5.1. IATP Meeting in 2002
The 2002 meeting of IATP will take place in London (UK) in September 2002 prior to the European Thermophysical Properties Conference.

5.2. IATP Meeting in 2003
The 2003 meeting of IATP will take place in Boulder (USA) in June 2003 prior to the 15th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties.

5.3. IATP Meeting in 2004
The 2004 meeting of IATP will possibly take place in Lisbon (Portugal).

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